6 Hair Extension Care Tips to Keep You Looking Awesome

6 Hair Extension Care Tips to Keep You Looking Awesome

The only difference between your hair and extensions is that the latter are glued to your existing strands. So if you have long, thick locks, it’s important to take care of them in the same way you would with any other hair. Follow our Hair Extension Care Tips guide below and your extensions will last longer and look more natural than ever!

Use the right kind of shampoo and conditioner: Choose one specially formulated for your hair type.

  • Use the right kind of shampoo and conditioner: Choose one specially formulated for your hair type.
  • Avoid over-processed products: Keeping your extensions healthy is important, but you want to avoid using chemicals that can damage them.
  • Avoid too much heat on the clips or glue: You don’t need to use a blow dryer every day, but if you do have hot styling tools like curling irons or flat irons on hand, consider limiting their use to once or twice a week at most; otherwise, they might cause breakage in your extensions (and thus look messy).

Know here Best Hair Extension Care Tips

Keep it clean:

Just as you should wash your own hair every other day, your extensions should be washed once a week. 

You can use any shampoo and conditioner that you would normally use on your own hair—but it’s ideal if you take extra care with the conditioner when washing it.

If you have time for it, try gently massaging some of the product into each individual strand before rinsing out again with lukewarm water. 

This will help keep any knots from forming in between each fibre as well as making them easier to remove after washing!

Brush regularly

The extension expert suggests using a loop brush or Tangle Teezer extension brush to keep the bonds from tangling. In addition, this helps the hair from “matting up” at the roots, making them look more natural.

Brushing your extensions is an easy way to keep them looking natural. It also helps to prevent tangling, so you can avoid having to cut them out.

If you’re using clip-in extensions and want them to last longer, try using a loop brush or Tangle Teezer extension brush on your own hair while they’re still attached.

This will help the bonds from tangling and will also make sure that there isn’t as much “matting up” at the root area of your new additions!

Avoid Heat:

Avoid heat when styling your extensions. The high temperature can melt the glue used to attach your extensions and cause hair breakage. 

Instead of using a blow dryer or flat ironing on a daily basis, consider using other styling tools such as curling wands or straightening irons with silicone pads that won’t damage your precious mane!

Regularly check for tangles and matting:

  • You can gently remove knots by using a wide-tooth comb with smooth strokes from top to bottom. 
  • Matting is when individual hairs knot together and form clumps that can only be removed by cutting them out; this is often caused by lack of cleaning or not removing your extensions before going to bed.
  • If you discover matting issues, go ahead and cut them out so they don’t spread further up the shaft of your extensions.
  • If you’re using extensions, then it’s important to take care of them. Tangles and matting are common problems with hair extensions, and they can be easily avoided by regularly checking for these issues. 
  • Tangles occur when the hair is not cleaned regularly—this is especially true if you’re sleeping on them or leaving them overnight while wearing your own natural locks (which most people do).
  • If you discover tangles, gently remove knots by using a wide-tooth comb with smooth strokes from top-to-bottom until all knots have been removed. 
  • Matting occurs when individual hairs knot together and form clumps that can only be removed by cutting them out; this is often caused by a lack of cleaning or not removing your extensions before going to bed!

Be gentle while brushing:

When Brushing, Do It Gently So That You Can Remove Any Tangles Without Damaging The Bonds.

  • Use a wide-tooth comb. This is the best way to remove tangles without damaging your hair extensions.
  • Brush in the direction of hair growth. To avoid damaging the bonds, brush gently so that you can remove any tangles without breaking them or causing damage to your extensions. The best choice would be using soft bristles and smooth strokes while brushing them out; this will also help prevent breakage as well!
  • Use a brush with no sharp edges whatsoever (or at least none that I could spot). When choosing what type of brush works best for you, consider whether or not there are any sharp edges on it—you don’t want those going into your head during application! If possible, find one without any sharp corners that might cause problems later down the line when removing; this will make things much easier!

In fact, it’s probably more so because your extensions are not your own hair and cannot be cut or dyed the same way you can with real hair. They also won’t grow at the same rate as your own hair does, which means that regular trims are necessary for both types of locks. 

Hair extensions are made from human skin cells in this case instead of animal products like wool or silk, so they need to be handled carefully throughout their lifespan if you want them to last long enough before they start falling out!


I hope you will understand best Hair Extension Care Tips The bottom line is: do your research and find the right products for your hair extension needs. The best way to maintain them is by using a shampoo and conditioner made specifically for extensions or one of their own choosing. This will help keep them looking as natural as possible without causing damage or breakage.

Hair Extension Care FAQs

How to use clip in hair extensions?

Clip-ins are easy to apply and remove, making them perfect for people on the go. They don’t require any harsh chemicals or solutions to secure them in place, so you can walk out of the salon feeling as if you have just had an expensive haircut without having to pay for a real one!

How to take care of human hair extensions?

You need to take care of them just like you would your own hair. A rule of thumb that applies to all types of hair extensions: Keep them dry after washing your hair and always brush your ends first.

Are extensions bad for your hair?

A heat source is used to apply the hair extensions. This can damage your hair, and the extensions are not reusable. Your skin may itch or feel tight after applying this product.

Can hair extensions be too heavy?

It’s important to choose the correct type of hair extensions for your natural hair. The wrong choice could lead to breakage or loss of hair.

Can i swim with hair extensions?

Yes, you can swim with hair extensions.

Can i wash synthetic hair extensions?

Yes, Wash your extensions with a mild sulfate-free shampoo in a sink full of cool water. Conditioning is also important, so apply a detangling conditioner and let them sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing.

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